Mojo Brookzz

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Fri, Jun 20, 2025
Sat, Jun 21, 2025
Sun, Jun 22, 2025

Mojo Brookzz

The 34-year-old comedian started out doing comedy simply because he enjoyed it, and it was fun to do in his spare time. Little did he know his skits and jokes were making a difference in people’s lives. He started receiving direct messages from fans who watch him daily, expressing how his videos got them through a rough time, or simply brightened their day. This became his motivation to write and perform more often. He loved seeing the positive feedback and the laughs and smiles he could put on people’s faces.

Mojo has hosted marquis events as well as performed alongside popular musical artists and comedians, including Michael Blackson, Lil Duval, DeRay Davis, Jess Hilarious, Lloyd, Jacquess, Earthquake and DC Young Fly, just to name a few. He is now on a journey to capture the stand-up comedy world! In 2018 he embarked on his first national headlining tour, titled “Hysterical in Person,” following it up with his own” Toxic but Funny Comedy Tour.” To date, Mojo has created well over 900 video skits, headlining stand-up comedy shows in comedy clubs and theaters across America.

Welcome To The Mojo Brookzz Explosion! Prepare to be entertained!